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Creating A Content Game Plan

Social Media Advertising Quote

Summary of the Blog: In this blog you will learn the 5 steps to create a content game plan to optimize views of your product on social media, and to allow the highest amount of profits possible to be obtained from social media advertising.

Creating a Content Game Plan:

1. Target Audience- When you create a social media strategy you must look at your target audience. If you were a company selling smartphone appliances you probably wouldn't be trying to reach the elderly, rather you would be targeting teenagers and younger adults. Looking at the demographics of your age range also will help narrow your target group even more, allowing you to to optimize your promotional mix to allow the best results. Identifying your target audience can allow you to set ad preferences on social media advertisements to connect to your audience and return the most profit into your pocket.

2. Goals- you must come up with strategy goals that are S.M.A.R.T.

  • S- Specific: Goals should be very specific and straight to the point (an example may be to increase your following on Instagram by 100 by September 3rd, current year)

  • M- Measurable: A goal should have a number attached to it or some sort of measurable item (in the “specific” example the measurable item would be 100 new followers)

  • A- Attainable: Your goals should be possible (if you plan to spend $13,000 on your goal a month from profits made but only make $1,000 it is not possible to fund your goal)

  • R- Realistic: Your goals should be realistic (if you average 15 new followers a week setting your goal to 1 million new followers the next week is unrealistic)

  • T- Time-bound: You must set a time frame for your goals, otherwise your goal will get put off and never get done! (In the “specific” example, September 3rd, current year would be the time frame)

3. Brand Voice- Brand voice is what kind of message do you want your company to display? If you are a company for children's toys you probably want to come up with a more upbeat child friendly theme. Your brand image can make or break your business, so choose your theme and voice wisely, and aimed towards the appropriate audience.

4. Distribution Channel- You must choose the type of distribution channel you would like to push your product the most on. For some people it may be Facebook, while others it may be Linkedin. For example if you are a product for teens you should be promoting on social media such as Instagram or Snapchat, rather than Linkedin, which would be used for a service or product targeted more towards business owners or other adults.

5. Tactics- Finally tactics. You should come up with a calendar with details on when and what you will post, how much you will spend on ads, and any other helpful information that will allow you to post what you want, when you want, and in a way to reach your target audience.

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